Welcome to the Wedding web site of Beau & Donna! Don’t forget to sign our e•guest book once you’ve browsed our site! Click here!
You’ve entered this site
because, no doubt, you are curious… you were either referred here by a very mysterious and shocking e-mail, or you were told by friends or family that Donna
Cunningham and Kevin (Beau) Beauchamp have recently gotten married!
The rumors are true; we have officially tied the knot and were married on December 20, 1999 in a small, intimate ceremony on a private yacht at sunset in the
romantic Florida Keys. We now make our home in Orlando, Florida.
Now, we know this is something of a surprise. No doubt some of you didn’t know that we were even
dating, much less ready to join our lives together in holy matrimony. So, we’ve developed this web site for several reasons.
First, we know you’ve got a lot of questions that we hope to answer. Second, we want to inform you of pertinent facts and upcoming events
such as our reception, our future plans, and so forth. Third, we want you to know as much as possible about our story so you can celebrate with us and share our joy!
So, settle back, grab a cup of hot chocolate, get your mouse ready, and cruise through
our web site. Laugh with us, give us comments and suggestions, and most importantly, keep us in your prayers.
Rejoicing in Christ,